Use these databases to find incredible, credible sources
*** You will need passwords to access our subscription resources from home. Passwords can be found in the TMC Canvas Course.
As you find articles, look for
- Clickable subjects
- Key words and related search terms
- Other articles, web sites, or authors who might be mentioned
- Citation button! Hooray!
Explora is a database by EBSCO that contains:
- Magazine articles
- Journal articles
- Encyclopedia articles
- Nonfiction ebooks
- Primary source documents
- EBSCO password needed for remote access
Gale in Context is a database by Gale that contains:
- Magazine articles
- Journal articles
- Encyclopedia articles
- Nonfiction ebooks
- Primary source documents
- No password needed if you are in Minnesota
SIRS Issues Researcher database by ProQuest that:
- Focuses on current events and issues in the news
- Contains articles and information to support both sides of an issue
- Use the All Leading Issues list to help you find a topic - sort by trending topics or A-Z
- SIRS password needed for remote access
Click here for a video tour of the resources on this page.