You can use Explora to find articles from magazines, newspapers, and other reliable sources. EBSCO password from Canvas needed for remote access (at home).
You can use Explora to find articles from magazines, newspapers, and other reliable sources. Gale password from Canvas needed for remote access (at home).
Use this database when you want to look at both sides of an issue. Start with the A-Z list of Leading Issues to help you get started on a research project. SIRS password from Canvas needed for remote access (at home).
Access - To find information, especially on a computer.
Cite - What you do to let your readers know where you find your information. A citation includes the title and author of what you have read and also where you found it.
Credible - Able to be believed.
Credibility - The quality of being trusted.
Database - A way to search many different published sources at one time (magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, books)
Encyclopedia - A book or website that gives background information about a topic.
Full-Text - An article that has all the words there for you to read. A summary would just describe what the article is about, full-text lets you read the whole thing yourself.
Lexile - A number that represents the lengths of words and sentences in a book or article. A smaller lexile number can mean that a source is easier to read.
Limiters - Things you can select when searching a database to narrow down or limit your search results.
Remote Access - When you are not at school and want to use the school databases you are accessing them remotely. You will need the passwords on the TMC Canvas Course page for this.
Source - A place you can find information.
Searching Hints
Don't use too many words when you search. Pick out one or two main words to search.
Let the articles you find help you find more. Look for keywords in articles. Sometimes you can even click on them to fine more.
Let the databases do the hard work for you. Use the built in tools to search the right dates, to find articles that are easier to read, and to do your source citations.
To find a government source you can do a Google search and add site:gov to get only government web pages.